Dr. Eric Phillippi, MD.

Meet the doctor

Born and raised in the Milwaukee suburb of Menomonee Falls, Dr. Eric Phillippi is a distinguished name in the realm of procedural medicine in Madison, Wisconsin. He took a keen interest in medicine from a young age and pursued his educational journey in Madison. Dr. Phillippi has earned both undergraduate and medical degrees from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, culminating in his Doctor of Medicine in 2014. Drawn to the practice of outpatient medicine, he went on to complete a residency in Family Medicine at the University of Wisconsin, earning the role of Chief Resident from 2016-2017. Upon completing his residency, Dr. Phillippi joined UW Health and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health as an Assistant Professor, practicing at the Odana Atrium Clinic as well as teaching medical students at the medical school. Alongside his primary care practice, Dr. Phillippi practiced Emergency Medicine in a number of rural hospitals throughout Wisconsin.

Beyond the stethescope

Husband. Father. Conservationist.

As a lifelong educator, Dr. Phillippi continues to teach the next generation of doctors, holding an Adjunct Clinical Professorship at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health.  He often has medical students and residents join him at his clinic, learning advanced outpatient procedures.  Dr. Phillippi is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of practice, and instilling them in the next generation of physicians.

Outside of practicing medicine, Dr. Phillippi is a man of diverse interests.

Whether it’s spending cherished moments with his wife, Emily, and their two daughters, or enjoying hobbies like golfing, biking, hockey, archery, playing music, woodworking, or home renovations – he embraces life in its entirety.


With a career spanning multiple facets of medicine, Dr. Phillippi’s journey stands as a testament to his dedication, expertise, and relentless pursuit of excellence in procedural medicine.



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